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Veteran Stories

Disarming bombs on the frontlines

“When you pick a bomb up you never know if it will go off, because it’s already armed,” said Don, who removed and disarmed faulty shells during the Korean War.
Veteran Stories


When a bomb dropped in England, Joan wasn’t far behind it. Racing out on the back of a military jeep with her crew, Joan said the life of a military firefighter in WWII was filled with excitement.
Veteran Stories

The Survivor

Prayer beads blessed by the Pope, seven bullet wounds, and one doctor changed everything for this WWII veteran.
Veteran Stories

A great love story: The Kleinbergs

The Kleinbergs met shortly after the British Army liberated the infamous Nazi death camp Bergen-Belsen. Nancy saved Howard’s life. Then, they lost contact. How were they reunited? Read to find out.
Traditions of Durham Retirement Residence

From Prisoner to Soldier

Read John’s autobiography, which details his imprisonment as a Polish civilian, his break for freedom, and his return as a soldier in the Polish army.
Inspirational Life

For love of country and music

A Master Warrant Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force, Eugene’s true passion is for music.
Veteran Stories

The Sailor Who Couldn’t Swim

Staring up at the bottom of the ship, which floated 50 feet above him, Leading Seaman Bernie Heasler really wished he knew how to swim.
Veteran Stories

When Hell Freezes Over

Sitting as an air gunner on a bombing plane in WWII, it was not uncommon for the open air turrets to reach -40 degrees Celsius. To make matters worse, it was impossible to go use the washroom on these 8-hour flights.
Veteran Stories

In the Desert

During the cold war, Ronald ferried supplies through the desert between Egypt and Israel. For him, Remembrance Day is an important reminder of all the freedoms we have today.